Real-time GIS Data Collection on Live DB Server | QField

Hi, this is Part 4 of our tutorial series on building a GIS mobile data collection app with QField and QGI S. In this video, it goes without saying that in the ... Real-Time Database Server. You can collect and sync data from the field with QField, but what if you need real-time data and you want to see it on the database server within seconds? By connecting to the databases directly from the app you are developing, a live database connection allows you to collect and sync data and improves the efficiency and accuracy of collecting.

This video demonstrated how to set up QField to connect to a live database server and configure your app to collect and sync data in real time. Some advanced topics, such as how to handle conflicts and errors, and optimizing your app’s performance were also explained in this video.

At this point, you have everything you need to build your own real-time GIS data collection app: the QField for Android app and the QGIS for Windows server. You can collect and sync data in real time, even in remote locations with no internet, and your data will be immediately available on your database server.

This series of tutorials is ideal for GIS professionals, field operators, and surveyors who need to gather data while in the field as well as QGIS users interested in doing more with mobile device-based data collecting. Start improving your data-gathering efforts by using QField alongside QGIS, and improve the quality of your data and your productivity overall.

After this video, you will know how to set up QField to connect to a live database server, configure your app to collect and sync data in real time, handle conflicts and errors, and make your app fly. I hope you will have a real-time GIS data collection app and will never be able to go back to how you used to collect your data.


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