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Unlocking the World of Geospatial Data: Essential Books for GIS Professionals

If you’re a GIS professional, cartographer, or just passionate about maps and geospatial data, there’s a wealth of knowledge waiting for you in these essential books. Each title delves into different aspects of GIS and mapping, offering valuable insights and practical skills. Here’s a quick overview of what each book offers and why they’re worth downloading.

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Raster Image Overlays - WebGIS Dashboard with Leaflet JS API

Welcome to our exhaustive guide to “Presenting and Analyzing GIS Data in Dashboards with Documents”; in this part, we will preview the tenth video session. In this tutorial, it is the turn of raster image overlays to be introduced as one of the features that make Web GIS dashboard dynamic and informative.

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Leaflet Popups - WebGIS Dashboards with GIS Data using Leaflet JS API

In 5th part of this series on Tutorial: Present and Analyze GIS Data in Dashboards with Magazines, we will be going more into details to enhance the aesthetics as well as functionality of your web based Geographic Information System (GIS) dashboards front Here, it specifically focuses on adding interactive popups using Leaflet JS API for detailed information.

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