
The Power of 3D Data Visualization with 2GIS MapGL JS API

Introduction to 3D Data Visualization

In today's data-driven world, visualizing information in a clear and interactive way has become essential. As datasets become more complex and voluminous, traditional 2D visualizations often fail to convey the depth and relationships within the data. This is where 3D data visualization steps in, offering a more immersive and intuitive way to explore information.

3D visualization not only provides users with an additional spatial dimension but also enables them to engage with the data interactively. For instance, in mapping and geographic information systems (GIS), 3D visualization can transform flat, abstract maps into dynamic models that display elevation, building heights, terrain features, and more. It creates a deeper understanding of spatial relationships that would otherwise be difficult to grasp in two dimensions.

Among the various tools available for creating 3D visualizations, the 2GIS MapGL JS API stands out as a powerful, versatile, and developer-friendly solution. In this blog post, we will explore how to harness the power of the 2GIS MapGL JS API to build impressive 3D data visualizations and why it is a game-changer for GIS professionals, urban planners, developers, and anyone working with geospatial data.

What is 2GIS MapGL JS API?

2GIS MapGL JS API is a JavaScript library designed to provide rich, interactive, and high-performance 3D maps and data visualizations. Developed by 2GIS, a popular digital mapping and navigation service, this API empowers developers to seamlessly integrate 3D maps and geospatial data into web applications.

Unlike traditional 2D maps, MapGL allows users to:

  • Visualize buildings, terrain, and landscapes in 3D.
  • Interact with various geographic data layers in real-time.
  • Present information such as building height, traffic flow, and terrain elevation with clarity.
  • Customize visualizations with different styles, effects, and interaction models.

With its focus on performance and ease of use, 2GIS MapGL is built using WebGL technology, ensuring that maps are rendered efficiently even when dealing with large datasets. The API also provides a wide range of features, including camera controls, custom markers, dynamic data layers, and more—all with support for rendering 3D environments directly in the browser.

Why Use 3D Data Visualization?

Before diving into the specifics of using the 2GIS MapGL JS API, let's explore the importance of 3D data visualization and its key benefits:

  1. Enhanced Understanding:

    • 3D maps make it easier to understand complex spatial relationships. Features like terrain elevation, building height, and topology are more comprehensible when viewed in three dimensions.
  2. Increased Interactivity:

    • With 3D visualizations, users can pan, zoom, rotate, and tilt the view, enabling more dynamic interaction with the data. This is particularly valuable for applications such as real estate, urban planning, and disaster management.
  3. Immersive Experience:

    • The immersive nature of 3D visualizations creates a more engaging user experience. Users can explore maps in a way that feels natural and intuitive, making it ideal for education, presentations, and simulations.
  4. Improved Data Context:

    • 3D visualization allows for layering of information, providing richer context. For example, a 3D city model can simultaneously show building footprints, traffic flow, and weather conditions, offering a more complete view of urban dynamics.
  5. Future-Proof Technology:

    • As we move into an era of augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and smart cities, 3D data visualization is a key component of these next-generation technologies. Adopting 3D tools today prepares developers and users for tomorrow’s innovations.

Getting Started with 2GIS MapGL JS API

Now that we understand the value of 3D visualization, let’s dive into how to use the 2GIS MapGL JS API for creating compelling 3D maps.


To get started, you’ll need:

  • Basic knowledge of JavaScript and HTML.
  • Familiarity with WebGL and GIS concepts is helpful but not required.
  • A working installation of a code editor (like VSCode), and a modern web browser (like Google Chrome).
  • An API key from 2GIS (you can register on their developer portal).

Step 1: Setting Up the Project

To begin, create a simple HTML file that will serve as the foundation of your map application. You’ll first need to load the 2GIS MapGL JS library and set up a basic HTML structure.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>3D Map Visualization with 2GIS MapGL</title>
    /* Set the size of the map container */
    #map {
      width: 100vw;
      height: 100vh;
  <div id="map"></div>

  <!-- Load the 2GIS MapGL JS Library -->
  <script src=""></script>

    // Initialize the map
    const map = new mapgl.Map('map', {
      center: [37.6173, 55.7558], // Coordinates for Moscow
      zoom: 15,
      key: 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'

In this example, we are initializing a MapGL map centered on Moscow with a zoom level of 15. Be sure to replace 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE' with your actual API key from the 2GIS developer portal.

Step 2: Enabling 3D Mode

To fully leverage the 3D capabilities of MapGL, you need to enable 3D mode. This involves adding buildings and adjusting the tilt and rotation of the map view to create a three-dimensional perspective.

Here’s how you can do it:

  // Enable 3D buildings

  // Adjust camera tilt and bearing for a better 3D perspective
  map.setPitch(45); // Tilt the map by 45 degrees
  map.setRotation(30); // Rotate the map by 30 degrees

With this configuration, you will see the buildings in 3D as you zoom in. The tilt and rotation functions enable users to view the map from an angle, making the 3D features more pronounced.

Step 3: Adding 3D Markers and Data Layers

Beyond displaying a basic 3D map, the real power of 2GIS MapGL comes into play when you start adding custom 3D markers and data layers. These can represent anything from real-time traffic conditions to building-specific data, such as height or use-case (commercial, residential, etc.).

Let’s explore how to add a 3D marker:

// Create a 3D marker with custom geometry and style
const marker = new mapgl.Marker(map, {
    coordinates: [37.6173, 55.7558], // Coordinates for the marker
    color: '#FF0000', // Red color for visibility
    size: [50, 50], // Size of the marker
    draggable: true // Make the marker draggable

In this example, we’ve created a draggable 3D marker at the center of Moscow. You can adjust the size, color, and other properties of the marker to suit your visualization needs.

Step 4: Visualizing Geospatial Data

For many projects, you’ll want to visualize geospatial data on top of your 3D map. This could include data from GeoJSON files, such as building footprints, road networks, or terrain features. The 2GIS MapGL JS API makes it easy to load and render GeoJSON data.

// Fetch and display GeoJSON data (e.g., building footprints)
  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => {
    const layer = new mapgl.GeoJsonLayer(map, {
      source: data,
      style: {
        color: '#00FF00', // Green color for buildings
        opacity: 0.8, // Slight transparency
        zIndex: 1 // Layer order

Step 5: Adding Interactivity

Interactivity is what sets 2D maps apart from 3D maps. With 2GIS MapGL, you can add events that allow users to interact with the data on the map. For instance, you can detect when a user clicks on a building or marker and display relevant information, such as building height or real-time traffic conditions.

Here’s an example of how to add a click event to display building information:

// Add an event listener for click events on the map
map.on('click', (event) => {
  const clickedObject = map.queryRenderedFeatures(event.point, {
    layers: ['buildings']

  if (clickedObject.length) {
    const building = clickedObject[0];
    alert(`Building ID: ${}, Height: ${}`);

In this code, we query the map for rendered features at the point where the user clicks. If a building is clicked, we display an alert with the building’s ID and height.

Use Cases of 2GIS MapGL in 3D Data Visualization

Now that we've covered the technical details of using 2GIS MapGL for 3D visualization, let’s take a look at some real-world use cases where this technology shines:

1. Urban Planning and Smart Cities

Urban planners can use 2GIS MapGL to visualize city layouts, zoning regulations, and building heights. By integrating data such as population density and land usage, planners can simulate future city growth and assess infrastructure needs.

2. Real Estate Market

Real estate developers can offer potential clients a 3D view of properties, neighborhoods, and amenities. Detailed 3D models of buildings provide a more engaging and realistic perspective compared to traditional maps.

3. Traffic and Transportation Systems

By overlaying real-time traffic data on a 3D city map, traffic management teams can gain insights into congestion patterns and optimize traffic flow. Public transport routes can also be visualized in 3D to provide users with clear navigation options.

4. Environmental Monitoring

3D visualization is crucial for environmental studies, such as mapping the impacts of natural disasters, visualizing flood zones, and analyzing air quality. The ability to incorporate terrain data and atmospheric information enhances decision-making in these contexts.

Challenges and Future of 3D Visualization with 2GIS MapGL

While the 2GIS MapGL JS API is a powerful tool for 3D data visualization, there are some challenges and considerations to keep in mind:

  • Performance: Rendering large datasets in 3D can be resource-intensive, especially on devices with limited processing power. It’s essential to optimize data and limit the number of rendered objects where possible.
  • Data Accuracy: The quality of 3D visualizations depends on the accuracy of the underlying geospatial data. Working with outdated or low-resolution data can lead to misrepresentation in visualizations.
  • Complexity: Although MapGL is user-friendly, working with 3D data can be inherently more complex than 2D. Developers should be prepared to manage multiple layers of information, advanced camera controls, and user interactions.

Despite these challenges, the future of 3D data visualization with tools like 2GIS MapGL looks promising. As more industries adopt 3D mapping for decision-making and interactive applications, APIs like MapGL will continue to evolve, offering even more powerful and efficient ways to visualize the world.


The 2GIS MapGL JS API offers a cutting-edge solution for 3D data visualization, providing developers with the tools to create dynamic, interactive maps and geospatial applications. By harnessing the power of WebGL, MapGL delivers high-performance 3D rendering directly in the browser, enabling a wide range of use cases—from urban planning and real estate to transportation and environmental monitoring.

Whether you are a seasoned GIS professional or a developer looking to integrate 3D maps into your web app, 2GIS MapGL provides a robust platform for creating immersive, data-rich visualizations. As the demand for 3D visualization grows, tools like MapGL will play a pivotal role in shaping the way we interact with spatial data.

If you’re ready to dive into the world of 3D maps, 2GIS MapGL is the perfect place to start. With its intuitive API, rich features, and endless customization options, the possibilities for building interactive 3D visualizations are only limited by your imagination.


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