How to Export Map in QGIS in PDF / PNG

Welcome to the Absolute Beginner's Guide to QGIS, a hands-on class to get you comfortable working with QGIS, the leading open-source, free GIS platform. We start from the very basics of QGIS and work our way up to advanced spatial analysis techniques in the exercises. This will be helpful for beginners who are just stepping into the GIS field for the very first time and also serve as a first stop for learning how to use QGIS.

In this video, we will demonstrate how to export the maps from QGIS as PDF and PNG files. We will learn how to:

  • Make the map ready for export.
  • Adjust export settings for optimal results.
  • Export your map as a PDF to print and share.
  • Export your map as PNG for web and digital applications.
  • Change your export options for specific use cases.

At the end of this video, you share your maps with others. Use it in many different ways and make spatial data accessible and valuable.


  • QGIS installed (if you need help with this step, see our QGIS download and installation tutorial). Click Here
  • Basic knowledge of the QGIS interfaces and navigation. Click here

if you need assistance with this step. Let's get started and see how you can export your maps from QGIS.


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