How to add Basemaps, Satellite Imagery, and Dynamic Services in ArcMap
This tutorial is meant to provide more details on how to enhance your GIS projects with ArcMap and more emphasis is given to basemaps, satellite and other imagery and dynamic services. Whether the concerned individual is a professional GIS officer with years of experience or an introduction level employee, he or she shall be benefited to some extent by learning the ways of merging layers of the map to improve his or her problem solving and mapping solutions. In the next sections, we walk you through the steps to enhance your projects with high-quality basemaps that tell more than a story, but look great too.
You will also learn the way to set satellite image for extra or superior view of the study area. Furthermore, there will be some talks on the dynamic services, which act as they are in real time updating your map and corresponding data. In conclusion, therefore, at the end of this self-tutorial, the user shall be in a position to utilize these tools in ArcMap, regarding the aesthetic and interactive map elements to be beneficial in the dissemination of all the laid-down spatial data and information. Come and work with us and even hone your GIS skills even further!
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