QField Integration with PostGIS: Easy GIS Data Collection Without Coding

Say hello to Part 3 – another chunk of a large set of tutorials that is dedicated to the creation of a mobile data collection GIS application using QField and QGIS. This tutorial brings you to the point on how you can working on such a mobile application. Actual observations can be made using QGIS and QField in field operations with the offline and online data downloading capabilities. Obtain early cleanups of your QGIS project.

Hello, and welcome back. Now in this video, let’s take it up a notch and connected your GIS mobile data collection app to a database with your phone.
It is possible for you to be gathering and synchronizing data live from the field hence you will not need strong or even any network connection at all. Specifically, I will explain how to turn on the enable “DB Connection” in QField, set up a database schema for the databases in our GIS Survey app, and set up QFields to connect with a database.

By the end of this video, you should be able to create an actual live GIS survey app for collection and synchronizing an efficient data collection system. Another thing is that you would have been equipped with knowledge and skills to counter or overcome with, as well as improve the working and performances of the apps. This lesson will be suitable especially for GIS specialists, field workers, and surveyors who believe that they should begin using QGIS for mobile data collection, and all others utilizing QGIS who could benefit from the mobile data collection application.

Subsequently, the employment of QField and QGIS in mobile data collection will render the process of data collection less of a chore, and quality and accuracy will do a better job and boost productivity. Here, things which you will be aware you have to set up the feature DB Connection in QField, prepare the database schema for the GIS Survey application, configuring the QField to connect to the database, collecting and synchronizing data in real time and common pitfalls that should be avoided while being in the process of improving your workflow.


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