How to Import / Export Shapefile from QGIS DB Manager into PostGIS

Here in this tutorial, we learn how to export Shapefile using QGIS DB Manager( Database manager) directly into Postgis which is an open-source,fast and powerful spatial database management system. PostGIS Export/Import using QGIS (Also For Pros!) — A TutorialWhether you are a GIS professional or all new to spatial data management, this step by step guide will help your to export and import your Shapefile kindly into PostGISOsama Uremesheland Medium

Let me start by walking you through the process of setting up your database connection in QGIS and introduce to a tool called DB Manager. In the following posts, we will show you how to import Shapefile data into PostGIS and also on setting up an Import Process with handling of possible errors or issues that can arise.

Then we will see how to export data from PostGIS back into a Shapefile format using DB Manager in QGIS. In this post I will guide you through the process and provide some tips on how to adjust your exported Shapefile for use in other GIS applications.

In the end of this course you well know how to Export and Import Spatial Data between QGIS & PostGIS for get maximum performance in your GIS projects, small data types or more spatial dataIf it's work, then by working through this training will give you all experience with managing to high as needing begin( so let’s start importing Shapefiles eaisly using DB Manager and export shape easy too) GO ON!


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