How to Import / Export Shapefile from QGIS DB Manager into PostGIS
In this tutorial here we shall discuss on how to export the shape file using QGIS DB Manager which is a database manager that directly exports to postgis which is an open source, fast and powerful spatial DBMS. PostGIS Export/Import using QGIS (Also For Pros!) — A TutorialIf you are a GIS user or probably a new bee who needs to handle spatial data this tutorial is going to help you export and import your Shapefile kindly into PostGIS Others called it PostGIS Osama Uremeshan and Medium
I believe it is high time I explained how to establish your database connection within QGIS and to what called DB Manager. In the next posts we will explain how to put Shapefile data into PostGIS in addition to explaining you how to set an Import Process with management and options of errors or problems that can occur.
Then we will discuss how to use DB Manager in QGIS to export the data from a PostGIS database back into a Shapefile format. In this post I will just explain how to do it so you can easily export your shapefile and make some of the necessary changes myself give you some tips on how to do that.
Finally, you perfectly understand how to Export and Import Spatial Data between QGIS & PostGIS if you want to achieve a maximum performance in your GIS projects, small data types or even more spatial data If it’s work, then by working through this training you will have the experience of managing to the high as you may need, so begging starting from ( importing shapefiles easily using DB Manager and exporting shape equally easy too) Let’s Go On!
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