Postgres: SQL SELECT Statement

Make the most use out of this advanced package by learning SQL SELECT statement at the top level and adding PostGIS spatial capabilities along with QGIS visualization skills to your tool belt. This video has some thing for everyone, Whether you are a beginner willing to learn basics or an expert looking to improve the skills.

Now let us move on and learn the very basics of SQL SELECT, its syntax and start to work efficiently with some regular filtering/sorting from WHERE, ORDERBY, GROUP BY etc. SELECT to get valueable insights of your Postgres database You will be a master of yourself.

The next thing we are going to talk about is the spatial world with PostGIS, the extension that allows adding support for geographic features in a PostgreSQL database. Discover how to execute spatial queries using PostGIS, and perform simple manipulations of geometriesYou will also uncover advanced spatial operations that can be done right from inside the database


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