How to Install PostGIS | Learn Spatial Databases with PostGIS and QGIS
This tutorial will guide you on how to install PostGIS, an extension for PostgreSQL that optimizes the database and enables it support geospatial features. We take care of all the installation for you, ensure that it is properly set up and help configure your spatial database so that before you can get going on things like optimal performance.
After postgis is installed on a database we will show how to create/initialize DB with spatial capabilities. This course will teach you how to annotate spatial data sets, bring in geographic information and use this for performing more advanced location-based queries. Doing the exercises mentioned in here and walking through text with you by my side, I am able to solve spatial problems like a boss.
If you like mapping, spatial analysis or location-based applications and have more thoughts in this direction PostGIS is a must for your bucket list of things to know. Come with us on this journey to learn, and together we will master the black arts of spatial databases.
Remember to embed English subtitles for the best visibility. If you like this content, make sure to like and share the tutorial and subscribe our YouTube channel for latest tutorials on spatial data analysis, GIS software use in geospatial technology. We need to own these changes above and make spatial (location) data info world knowledge empowering ourselves Let us in commune put it on the map!
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