Leaflet Plugins - MousePosition - PolylineMeasure - WebGIS Dashboard

The seventh part of our series Presentation and Analysis of GIS Data on Dashboard with Leaflet kicks off by getting into Leaflet Plugins. In this particular tutorial, we will be inserting two necessary plugins such as MousePosition and PolylineMeasure to our WebGIS Dashboard which make our dashboard more dynamic to use and more useful. 

In this video, we will see how these plugins can be seamlessly added to our leaflet-based dashboard. This would make it possible for users to effectively get a real position of the mouse and calculate the distances straight at the map of the interface.

In addition, we will continue on improving our dashboard: improve its visual beauty and usability by attaching google satellite Map as a lovely BaseMap into it. Using the power of Leaflet, in a concise step-by-step tutorial, we will demonstrate how to incorporate a normal basic maps high-resolution satellite imagery that we are all familiar with to use for high-end spatial monitoring and spatial analysis.

Thus, whether you are a GIS lover, data analyst, or developer who wants to make user-friendly and feature-rich web-based GIS apps, this tutorial will provide you with the information you need to create Feature-rich WebGIS Dashboards dynamics through Leaflet plugins -and kept up-to-date. So let us discover all the fun together in this course as we wholeheartedly enjoy visualizing and analyzing GIS data on the web.


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