Raster Image Overlays - WebGIS Dashboard with Leaflet JS API
Welcome to our exhaustive guide to “Presenting and Analyzing GIS Data in Dashboards with Documents”; in this part, we will preview the tenth video session. In this tutorial, it is the turn of raster image overlays to be introduced as one of the features that make Web GIS dashboard dynamic and informative.
Today, our focus is on the another component of WebGIS representation — using Google Satellite Map as a BaseMap with help of Leaflet JS API. Allowing the almighty eye, Google Maps’ satellite view, to gaze over the aesthetics of our WebGIS dashboard doesn’t simply enhance the aesthetics of the dashboard; it gives concent, depth, and history to the portrayed story of those who traverse through the digital halls of the Website. To us, this is no mere matter of pedantics; it is a chance for increased audience interest and a voyage into previously unknown frontiers of social media and idea and technological advancement that will, without doubt, prove fruitful.
Well, let me begin from today and guide you on how to use the Google Satellite Map as the BaseMap layer on your web GIS platform through the use of the leaflet in a simple sequential process. In this endeavor, you will learn how to create such layers especially BaseMap layers and indeed know how to make them being optimally informative to your viewers without necessarily being complex.
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