Generate MBTiles in QGIS and Publish as Live Service with PHP TileServer

In this instructional exercise, we'll walk you through the most common way of creating MBTiles (MapBox Tilesets) in QGIS, a well-known open-source GIS programming, and afterward distributing them as live help utilizing a PHP TileServer. Toward the end of this instructional exercise, you'll have your own guide administration going.


  1. QGIS installed on your computer.
  2. Basic knowledge of QGIS and PHP.
  3. Web server with PHP support (e.g., Apache).
  • Step 1: Prepare Your Data in QGIS

1.1. Open QGIS and load the geographic information layers you need to make tiles from. Guarantee that your information is in an organization upheld by QGIS.

1.2. Style and represent your guide to your inclination. This step is essential as it will decide how your guide tiles will look.

1.3. Ensure the Direction Reference Framework (CRS) is set accurately for your venture. Use 'Venture' - > 'Properties' to design this.

  • Step 2: Generate MBTiles

2.1. Introduce the 'QTiles' module in QGIS on the off chance that you don't as of now have it. You can do this by going to 'Modules' - > 'Oversee and Introduce Modules' and looking for 'QTiles.'

2.2. After establishment, go to "Web" in the QGIS menu and snap on 'QTiles.'

2.3. Design the QTiles settings as follows:

o Output catalog: Pick where you need to save the MBTiles record.

o Map goal: Pick the ideal zoom levels and scale settings.

o Output design: Select 'MBTiles' as the arrangement.

2.4. Click 'Hurry' to begin the delivery system. QGIS will create map tiles and store them in the predefined yield catalog.

  • Step 3: Set Up PHP TileServer

3.1. Duplicate the MBTiles record made in the past and move toward a registry on your web server. Ensure the registry is open through a URL, e.g.,

3.2. Download and introduce the PHP TileServer from on your web server. Adhere to the establishment guidelines given on the GitHub page.

3.3. Alter the config.json document in the TileServer catalog to determine the way to your MBTiles record and different settings as per your inclinations.

  • Step 4: Access Your Live Map Service

4.1. When your PHP TileServer is set up, you can get to your live guide administration by visiting the URL where you introduced the TileServer. For instance,

4.2. You can now see your guide tiles in different applications, for example, web maps, versatile applications, or different GIS programming that upholds MBTiles.

This cycle permits you to make and share your custom guide tiles with others, opening up a universe of opportunities for showing and involving geographic information in different applications. Have a great time investigating and sharing your guides!



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