Locating Nearest Facility with Origin, Destination Matrix with QGIS
In this tutorial, the focus will be on demonstrating how to find out the closest facility to a specific ‘origin’ using the origin-destination matrix in QGIS. The first step will be to get ready our data layers, that is the origin points and pieces and the facility locations. You will learn how to initiate your project and load your data into QGIS and place all of the layers within your project in a proper alignment which will allow for analysis.
After that we will proceed to the step in which an Origin-Destination Matrix will be developed in order to find the distances between the origin points of your study area and the closest facility. We will lead you through how to set up the matrix parameters, starting the analysis and on how to analyze the results. I hope by the end of this tutorial you will have learnt how to easily search for the nearest facilities to any origin point in QGIS making the lesson very useful for spatial decision making.
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